EIFO Green Accelerator Project EKF-C6-0004
Agro Industries A/S has developed a project for the production of 750,000 tons per year of sustainable methanol on the Arabian Peninsula. 

The Export and Investment Fund of Denmark (EIFO) has seed-funded the project, and the realization of the project in the special economic zone at Duqm in the Sultanate of Oman has commenced in collaboration with the International Starch Group - Link.

Our Trademarks
Farmers Gasoline® is our registered trademark for fuels made of sustainable methanol.

A multi-fuel methanol dispenser has been developed as part of the market maturation of new methanol-based fuels for road traffic.

Desert Power® is our registered trademark for large-scale production of green methanol motor fuel in barren and sunny deserts.

Danish Methanol Association
Nobel Laureate George Olah (born May 22, 1927, died March 8, 2017).

George Olah accepted to join the Danish Methanol Association as an honorary member and remained in the association until his death in 2017.

The association is located at our address and has been instrumental in our participation in several government-supported efforts to mature the transport market for methanol.

Agro Industries A/S
Agro Industries A/S is a family-owned company dedicated to renewable energy. You can find us at Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark or write us admin@agroindustriesas.dk or call us +45 8793 0000.

ISCC Certificates
ISCC Certificates: Link